Goshin Kenpo Jitsu is an martial art style that was developed by Prof. Dr. GM. René Bommelé in the beginning of the 90's He practiced since his young age various defensive sports, such as Judo, Jiu jitsu, Goshin Jutsu, Shotokan and Goju Ryu karate and Shaolin Kempo, this led by various Grand Masters in the world.
Times change, so do the acceptance of applying violence in defense. These changes were a reason for him to develop a style, which in this day and time could rely on more acceptance. Despite it's sometimes necessary to use force in self preservation, the use is not always accepted.
The Act requires sometimes applying violence is lawful, if this is proportional and, in the alternative, is applied. The bad thing is that it will be reviewed by a judge, and you don't know if he makes the same decision.
In this case, prevention is better than the cure. Be yourself as much as possible and limited to applying them. The question is then, how you do it. First you look to your surroundings, it says often already how something is, but not the actual you know. It is so important that you don't look aggressive. A good attitude is the first step. Poise (this also radiate) and in balance, is the basis of many self-defense sports.
The next step is, when it is not otherwise, defend yourself. Here comes the balance in application forward, moderate and reasonable. If you can hit in one time, then don't do it six times to reach your goal. The reason lies in the way (lightest) to which you want to achieve. Both of them should also be effective together.
Self-defense sports are mostly based on old techniques, which it would be seen like an Art, in the sense of applicability. Therefore, some techniques from different sports are adapted to this new time. The result is more effectiveness and less power. The advantage of this is that every one can worship, this form also with restriction (s). The techniques can be adapted to your own mobility. The development of the style is unlimited and is continuous in motion and change.
The Goshin Kenpo Jitsu was started in 1982 in a small closed group and from 1992 till 2000 is it as program and part of the self-defense lessons included in the programme of Sport Association (MAA) ' De Brug (The Bridge) '. It was an excellent environment because they are also focused on resilience and assertiveness. In 2000 it became a full style with his own program.
A next solution was similar also available, dealing with behavior of children with behavioural problems (like ASD, ADHD, ADD, ODD, BDD and PDD-NOS ect.) The instructors of the Association were trainined in different areas and it was for them a unique method/approach. Parents and their children were able to do this well.
In the years after there has been various seminars and workshops, in which they could make knowledge with the Goshin Kenpo Jitsu. It has also found its way abroad, where René is regularly invited for Mastering.
Since 15 years Master Sandra is also closely involved in the further development of the Goshin Kenpo Jitsu. Also daughter Selena now follows in the footsteps of her parents and helps with teaching.
By the creation of an International Association, we try to connect with everyone who is interested or wants to contribute to the development of the Goshin Kenpo Jitsu.
In 2018, we have a number of leading (Grand) Masters may include in the family of the Goshin Kenpo Jitsu, namely: Grandmaster Antonio Coelho and Master Sylvia Stalbergh (Portugal), Grandmaster Derrick Parsons (UK) and Master Ari Puhakka (Finland), Tom Pintelon (Belgium).
In 2020 we made include GM. Nasiakos K. Spiridon (Greece), GM Henri Hendarto (Indonesia), GM Reza Bozorgi Hansankiyadeh (Iran), GM Victor Moreno (Spain), GM Antony Pousseto (France) to our organization.
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